Nigeria @ 56 - Better or Worse? Forward or Backward? - Koko Domain


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Thursday, 9 February 2017


Nigeria @ 56 - Better or Worse? Forward or Backward?

It is quite unfortunate that the leaders we have in this nation are not helping the situation at all; our rulers are not helping matters in any form. In a nation full of diverse kinds of natural resources: yet, things are still worse as if we have nothing to live for; simply because of mismanagement.

If you would agree with me, the survivor of this country is [now] based on the prayer of the Saints. Because if God was man, there would have been arrant extermination of Nigeria as a nation: this country would have ceased to exist. But, God’s mercy will always prevail over the misdemeanour of our leaders – no matter what.

Without much talk, the above picture was spotted on facebook by Koko Domain, and we insisted on bringing it your way; just so you could see if what was inscribed on it is actually on point or not.

One thing I’ve come to realize is that, these leaders are too frivolous about the heart cry of the masses: they usually turn deaf ear to the voice of the people of low socioeconomic status. Well, whether that or not: the financial and economic state of the nation has gone worse [even] beyond the worst, so much so that even the Rich is now crying and lamenting: not even a single man – everyone is concernd; and that is why Believers should never stop in their prayer of intervention.

Our prayer is that God will speak into the situation of this nation in Jesus’ name ___?

Article by Jesuskid.
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