Bloggers want me dead, but I'm very much alive hale and hearty - Sonnie Badu - Koko Domain

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Monday, 27 February 2017

Bloggers want me dead, but I'm very much alive hale and hearty - Sonnie Badu

Early yesterday, news got to us from a reliable source that the U.S. based Ghanaian Worshiper is on a sick bed in Royal Perth Hospital of the Western Australia. And just before we could say jack, internet trolls had taken his picture to SNS, stating affirmatively that the Baba o crooner has died.

It can be very annoying at times, the way some bloggers look for cheap traffic with their lack of insight and misinterpretation of information: it is reflective of the fact that they are not meticulous and fit enough for what they do.

"Bloggers clap for yourselves, anything to generate traffic .. smh .. oya kindly advertise my album for me... breaking news SOUNDZ OF AFRIKA OUT!!"

The above was what he said [just to clear the air] when he uploaded the picture below on his Instagram page yesternight.
While sitting on the sofa early this morning, he registered a profound gratitude to those who stood by him as Prayer Warriors and interceded for him extensively and intensively: he also candidly thanked everyone who played the role of Hospitality Ambassadors during the trying times.

You're more than a conqueror Sonnie!

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